Thursday, July 25, 2024

Full formal session to consider action on S. 2887


Today the Massachusetts State Senate will convene in a full formal session at 1PM to consider action on S. 2887, An Act relative to disability pensions and critical incident stress management for violent crimes (H.4746) and S.2888, FY’24 Supplemental Budget Appropriations.

S.2887 proposes to amend the General Laws (Accidental Disability Pensions) by entitling police, firefighters, EMTs, or other public safety employees who are subjected to serious violent attacks while in the performance of their duties to additional pension benefits and would provide notice of critical incident stress management debriefing programs for public safety employees involved in certain serious incidents. This bill is based on bills filed by myself and Senator Friedman (S.1736 & S.1680).

S.2888 proposes the Senate Ways & Means version of a roughly $432 million FY’24 supplemental budget — appropriations include $228 million for home and community based services, $61.1 million for a health and human services workforce reserve, $29.7 million for child care subsidies, $20 million for crime victim services bridge funding, $45 million for payments to fiscally strained hospitals, $25 million for payments to fiscally strained community health centers, and several smaller items.

Senators have filed 6 proposed amendments to modify S.2887 and 54 proposed amendments to modify S.2888, as reported favorably by the Senate Committee on Ways and Means.

You can read the full text of the bills and the amendments at:

To watch LIVE, tune in here:

#DisabilityPension #FY24SuppBudget #mapoli #legislature #Senate #statesenatorbrucetarr


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2024


Today, Wednesday, July, 24th, 2024, the Senate debated and approved by a vote of 38-1, S.2888, An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year 2024 to provide for supplementing certain existing appropriations and for certain other activities and projects.

To learn more about this legislation, visit:

#Passed #Adopted #FY24SuppBudget #Mapoli #BeaconHill #StateSenatorBruceTarr


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

State champions Manchester Essex Regional High School Boys Tennis Team


Recently, I had the honor of welcoming the state champions Manchester Essex Regional High School Boys Tennis Team to the State House, where I was joined by Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante in honoring them with official citations from the Senate and the House.

We also had the opportunity to give these impressive student athletes, who have won the MIAA Division 4 State Championship, Cape Ann League (CAL) Baker Championship, and CAL Open Championship, a tour of the State House, including the Senate and House Chambers.

Thanks to the team members and their coaches for this special visit, and for reminding us what teamwork is all about.


#statechamps #boystennis #hornets #manchesterma  #essexma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Monday, July 22, 2024

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is now soliciting bids for the project of dredging the Essex River.

Review solicitation here:

Essex Town Clerk

#essexma #dredging #essexriver #statesenatorbrucetarr



As the Senate Chair of the Coastal Caucus, I wanted to share a great resource to stay up-to-date on major Coastal Zone Management initiatives.

Details on how to subscribe below

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To learn more about the CZM, read here:

#CoastalZoneManagement #mapoli #statesenatorbrucetarr


Congratulations to Joanne Levesque on her retirement


Congratulations to Joanne Levesque on her retirement!

Thank you for your 27 years of dedicated service to the Salisbury Elementary School.

Read more: here.

#happyretirement #salisburyma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Ipswich Greek Festival

Another fantastic Ipswich Greek Festival in Town of Ipswich MA! Great food, friends, family, fun, and dancing enjoyed by all!

See more here.