Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Open Door Christmas Meals

Christmas Meals Made With Christmas Spirit

On Christmas Day, I joined together with a fantastic group of volunteers and member of my team Ted Costa at the Christmas Ham Dinner Preparation and Delivery organized by the Gloucester Capt. Lester S. Wass American Legion Post 3.

The meals were prepared and packed at The Open Door in Gloucester and delivered to seniors, veterans, and others in need by members of Post 3, more than 30 volunteer delivery drivers, and other supporters from the community. We prepared and delivered 460 holiday meals.

Recognized Commander Mark L. Nestor with a special citation honoring not only his 13 years of service as Commander of the Capt. Lester S. Wass American Legion Post 3, but also for being the incredible driving force behind ensuring no one is alone and hungry for the holidays. 

What a gift to have spent his last holiday meal as Commander - together, in service of others


Sunday, December 24, 2023

Statehouse Tree Lighting Ceremony

Taking a moment this Christmas Eve, and always, to remember our fallen heros.

Honored to have attended a moving tree lighting ceremony at the Statehouse early this month.

Reflecting on this year’s Gold Star Families Tree display at the State House and how it pays tribute to our Massachusetts Service Members who gave their lives in service to our Nation and the families who carry their legacy forward.

Ornaments, photos and messages from their loved ones are displayed on the tree and serve to remind us of the tremendous sacrifices made for our Freedoms.

Military Friends Foundation hosts the annual dedication of the “Massachusetts Gold Star Families Tree”.  The tree pays tribute to local Service Members who have been killed-in-action, lost their lives on active duty, from hidden wounds of war, or died related to their military or public service.

This project is a partnership between the Military Friends Foundation and the Office of the Governor. This project is supported by Tough Ruck 26.2 – held in partnership with the Boston Athletic Association/Boston Marathon.


Gloucester High School Holiday Shop

Last week, I kicked off the last 10 days until Christmas with a special delivery of toys to the Gloucester High School’s Holiday Shop for students in need so they can shop for their siblings ensuring everyone in the family has a present under the tree 🎄 🎁


Friday, December 22, 2023

Linzee Coolidge Philanthropy Award

Honored to have spoken at the Linzee Coolidge Philanthropy Award presentation ceremony at Kyrouz Auditorium in Gloucester earlier this month.

It’s more important now, than ever before, to continue fostering philanthropic giving throughout Gloucester, our district, Massachusetts and across our nation.

Congratulations to the people of Gloucester for their contribution to the Community Preservation Act and in recognition for receiving this award.


Giving Back to Those In Need

This is the spirit of the holiday season - giving back to the children and families in need in our community.

Honored to have toured the Cape Ann Kids Shop with local and state officials to celebrate the dedicated volunteers from Action Inc., Pathways for Children and Wellspring House who ensure that local children have a wonderful holiday.


Thursday, December 21, 2023

West Parish Book Reading

This past Friday, I had the pleasure of reading the book "Exploring Gloucester, Massachusetts" by Alice Gardner to Gloucester Public Schools’ West Parish kindergartners.

Thank you to The First R Foundation for donating a copy of the book to each student and their classroom library.


Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America Remembering The Fallen And Honoring Those who Served

This weekend I attended ceremonies to remember the fallen - those men and women who served our country. Volunteers took part in services across our district that involved placing wreaths on individual veterans' graves.

As a component of the national Wreaths Across America USNA Day, which now coordinates more than 2,500 events, we assembled to pay our respects and honor those no longer with us.

Wreaths Across America is a non-profit organization from Maine that set out in 1992 with a trailer load of wreaths, decorated by volunteers, to lay at the graves of fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.

Over thirty years later their mission - to Remember, Honor, and Teach, continues to grow.


Gloucester Gratitude Gathering Event

Kicked off December with a wonderful “Gratitude Gathering Event” - a networking event to support local women-owned businesses - hosted by The Best of Both Worlds and Brasileros de Gloucester with Better Together Cape Ann at the Magnolia Library in Gloucester.

Honored to join local city officials in presenting citations honoring local community members: Patty Wall, founder and President of Better Together for Cape Ann, Inc. and Inez Oliveira, head of Brazilians in Gloucester.


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Gloucester High School Vocational Recognition

Today, members of my team were part of the new Shop-specific jersey event at Gloucester High School Vocational.  45 members of our business community partnering with our Gloucester Public Schools, local officials and the Gloucester Education Foundation is a major step.

It’s about much more than a shirt - it’s about a future for our students and a future for our economy.

It’s about trying to meet the need that we have now and are going to have in the future - of needing skilled trades people for our economy.

Students need to know that they can belong to it and they can play a role in it. They need to know their choice to enter vocational education is just as important as a student making the decision to go on a path to college - because we need ALL of them.


Emergency Housing Assistance Program

Yesterday, the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, Executive Office of Housing and

Livable Communities submitted their report on the Emergency

Housing Assistance Program to the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means, pursuant to Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2023.


Thursday, December 14, 2023

Shriners Hospital for Children

Shining a Light on Shriners Hospital for Children

A visit to Shriners Children's Boston is truly an uplifting experience and one that I am glad to be part of each year.

Members of my staff and I met with

Shiva Damghany, Senior Director Philanthropy and Theresa Riley, Associate Director of Philanthropy for a tour of their incredible facility.

We were able to hand deliver the generous donation of gift cards on behalf of John Maestranzi, owner of Iron Tree Service.

I hope that you will keep Shriners Children’s in mind this holiday season as you consider charitable organizations that deserve your support, the pediatric surgical care staff there are world-class in every respect.


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Ipswich Menorah Lighting

Together we bring light 🕎

Honored to have been in attendance and asked to speak at the Ipswich Menorah Lighting this weekend.

#Hanukkah #statesenatorbrucetarr


Friday, December 1, 2023

National Blood Shortage


Blood donors of all types are urgently needed now.

Today me and members of my team donated blood at the American Red Cross of Massachusetts’ blood drive in Ipswich at the John T. Heard Lodge.


Thursday, November 30, 2023

Supplemental Appropriations Bill

Today I joined with the House Minority Leader State Representative Brad Jones in issuing the following statement regarding House and Senate Republicans call for a formal session to address supplemental budget after the official filing of the conference committee report.

The Supplemental Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2023 Conference Committee has filed its report, in part, which will be published as House, No. 4204. You can find a copy of the report online at the following location:


Fisheries Meeting 2023

It was a pleasure to have had a very productive fisheries meeting yesterday with Bret Gilchrist, the Director of National Programs, Fisheries, and Oceans | Canada with members of the Consulate General of Canada in Boston to discuss North American Right Whales and clearly there are significant opportunities for us to work together moving forward.

#rightwhales #fisheries #canada #boston #statesenatorbrucetarr


Gloucester Open Door serving meals to those in need

No one should be alone and without a hot meal on Thanksgiving.

Feeling grateful to have helped the Capt. Lester S. Wass American Legion Post 3 at their annual Thanksgiving Holiday Dinner on Thanksgiving Day this year.

Thanks to Julie Fontaine and her incredible staff at the The Open Door for cooking, serving and delivering meals to those in need.

Mayor Greg Verga, City of Gloucester

#thanksgiving2023 #opendoor #gloucesterma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Monday, November 27, 2023

Senate Republican Caucus Letter to Conference Committee RE: Fiscal Year 2023 Closeout Supplemental Budget

On Wednesday, November 22nd, the Senate Republican Caucus released a letter calling on the Conference Committee to report in part on a number of important items that need to be addressed
RE: Fiscal Year 2023 Closeout Supplemental Budget.

Read the letter in detail below:


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Honoring Small Businesses

In recognition of #SmallBusinessSaturday, we celebrate the many small businesses owned and operated by talented entrepreneurs in our district.

Highlighting ribbon cuttings celebrating business owners in our district this past month, congrats to the following local businesses:


Bom Bom

Little Pearl Candy Co.

Transform Fitness - North Andover

Good Dog Gallery

Special shout out to Newburyport’s small business The Brass Lyon Gift Shop for celebrating 50 years!

We also honor ALL those who own small businesses, not only in our district, but throughout the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and across our great nation.  

Facts and resources shared by the U.S. Small Business Administration:

Shop small on Saturday, November 25, 2023.

Saturday, November 25, 2023 is Small Business Saturday – a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities. This year, we know that small businesses need our support now more than ever as they navigate, retool and pivot from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Please join SBA and organizations across the country in supporting your local small businesses by shopping at a small business.

Founded by American Express in 2010 and officially cosponsored by SBA since 2011, Small Business Saturday has become an important part of small businesses’ busiest shopping season. Historically, reported projected spending among U.S. consumers who shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday reached an estimated $17.9 billion according to the 2022 Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey commissioned by American Express.

The highly successful team of SBA, Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), and American Express will be kicking off the 2023 holiday season by encouraging consumers to support our nation’s nearly 32 million independent businesses this Small Business Saturday and all holiday season long.

How You Can Participate

For shoppers:

Find participating small businesses in your area:


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Closeout Supplemental Budget 2023

Yesterday I joined with House Minority Leader to send the following letter to state Comptroller McNamara regarding the  potential consequences of continued delays in passing the Fiscal Year 2023 Closeout Supplemental Budget.


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Ruth's House Inc. for veterans

. This Veterans Day I wanted to take a moment to highlight a local organization in our Haverhill community making a difference in the lives of veterans and families in need.

With care and compassion, Ruth’s House, Inc. provides clothing and job training opportunities to individuals and families in need throughout the Greater Merrimack Valley.

They have a dedicated clothing rack of clean, laundered suits available for free for our veterans.

See below information on Ruth’s House Clothing Program, Winter Coat Program and how to donate clothing and household goods.

To learn more about this organization:

• Visit webpage:


Veterans Day 2023

Veterans Day 2023

Today, on Veterans Day - and every day - we honor the brave men and women who have protected our country and thank them for their service.  The sacrifices made by veterans deserve to be memorialized.  It is a privilege to live in a country served so well by selfless patriots.

The unyielding and unchanging core values of our nation; freedom, liberty, and justice, expressed in our founding documents would be unrealized without the bravery and sacrifices of our veterans.

We are blessed to have had men and women wear the uniforms of our military organizations to take action to defend, preserve, and promote those values and principles here and around the world. The family members of our veterans, and of those who wear the uniform today as members, also deserve our deep appreciation.

I encourage you to take some part of your day to remember our military veterans


Friday, November 10, 2023

Plum Island Veterans Day Lunch

Honored to have joined the Newbury community yesterday to celebrate Veterans Day at the PITA Hall on Plum Island for Veterans Day Lunch.

#VeteransDay #VeteransDay2023 #newbury #statesenatorbrucetarr


Amesbury Council Veterans Day

Honored to have joined the Amesbury community earlier this week to celebrate Veterans Day at the Amesbury Council on Aging and VSO’s Veterans Day Luncheon.

Enjoyed spending time with Veterans who gathered from four communities, including Amesbury, Merrimac, Newburyport and Salisbury and hearing the Secretary of the Executive Office of Veteran Services Jon Santiago’s remarks.

#VeteransDay #VeteransDay2023 #amesburyma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Essex Council Veterans Day

Honored to have joined the Essex community earlier this week to celebrate Veterans Day at the Essex Council on Aging’s Veterans Day Breakfast.

#VeteransDay #VeteransDay2023 #essexma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Thursday, November 9, 2023

Rowley Council Veterans Day

Honored to join the Rowley community today to celebrate Veterans Day at the Rowley Council on Aging’s Veterans Day Brunch.

#VeteransDay #VeteransDay2023 #rowleyma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Friday, November 3, 2023

Seafood Day 2023

Last week, I had the honor of sponsoring Seafood Day at the State House in the Great Hall of Flags proudly hosted by the Massachusetts Fishermen’s Partnership, the Massachusetts Seafood Collaborative and the Fishing Partnership Support Services.

Proud to present the Gubernatorial Proclamation declaring Wednesday, October 25th, 2023 as Seafood Day in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Seafood is food security.  Over 250 million pounds of seafood is provided from our shores – that’s enough to feed every single person in Boston for an entire year.

Let us continue to work together to show leadership in ocean conservation, environmental stewardship, innovative harvesting, innovative processing, innovative distribution to ensure that everyone has the benefit of the bounty of the waters off of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

One Stop for Growth Grant Awards

FY24 Community One Stop for Growth Grant Awards

Last week, I had the privilege of joining Governor Maura Healy, Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, Secretary of Economic Development Elaine Hao, Secretary of Housing and Livable Communities Ed Augustus, Mayor Patrick Keefe, and Tom O’Brien, founder, managing partner, and CEO of HYM Investment Group and many legislative colleagues and local officials at the Community One Stop for Growth Announcement, including a MassWorks and HousingWorks Awards Celebration.

The Community One Stop for Growth is the Executive Office of Economic Development’s streamlined application process for communities and other eligible entities seeking to access various economic development grant programs.

There are 12 different state grant programs within the portal that fund economic development projects related to community capacity building, planning and zoning, site preparation, building construction and infrastructure.

The popular MassWorks program is the largest grant program in the One Stop portfolio.

Please find awardees for our district below:


Monday, October 23, 2023

The Essex National Heritage Area's Fall Annual Meeting

Congratulations to all who organized and thank you to all who came out to the Essex National Heritage Area's Fall Annual Meeting at beautiful Meredith Farm in Topsfield!

Essex Heritage rallies our community around saving the unique character of Essex County.

#topsfieldma #essexcounty #essexnationalheritagearea #statesenatorbrucetarr


Celebrating Dick Wilson Day with Mayor Greg Verga


Thank you to Mayor Greg Verga, City of Gloucester, local city officials, and our Gloucester community for coming together to proclaim October 11th, 2023 as Dick Wilson Day.  It was an honor telling the story of Wilson to celebrate what would have been his 83rd birthday with family and friends at Newell Stadium.

This past August, I asked the Senate to adjourn its session in in Wilson’s memory, making Wilson’s story part of the permanent record of the Massachusetts State Senate.

#gloucesterma #dickwilsonday #statesenatorbrucetarr


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence on Purple Thursday

It’s #PurpleThursday - a national day of action to raise awareness about #domesticviolence.

Showing support today by wearing purple which symbolizes peace, courage, survival, honor, and dedication to ending domestic violence.

For information, services, and help for yourself or someone you care about: Safelink: 1-877-785-2020 is a 24-hour, free, and confidential multi-lingual domestic violence hotline in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance

#PurpleThursday #WearPurple #DVAM #domesticviolence #stoptheviolence #EndDomesticViolence #safelink #DomesticViolenceAwareness #statesenatorbrucetarr


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Open Door Autumn Breakfast

The Open Door
continues working to alleviate the impact of hunger in communities across Essex County while advocating on behalf of those in need. Food security remains a genuine concern as food prices are still at above historical-average rates.  In 2023, all food prices are expected to increase 5.8%. 

Last week’s Autumn Breakfast at the Beauport Hotel Gloucester helped jump-start the Holiday Basket and Thanksgiving Food Drive programs.  Thank you to everyone on the amazing The Open Door team, #statesenatorbrucetarr  whose key message was: Life Happens. We Can Help.

In 2022, The Open Door connected 8,486 people to 1.78 million pounds of food - that adds up to 1.48 million meals! To learn more about The Open Door Food Pantry or to donate, please click

Did you know? A donation of $35 covers the cost of a Holiday Basket, complete with a turkey and all the fixings, for a local family that needs a little extra help setting the table this holiday season.  Donate today:

#TheOpenDoor #foodsecurity #lifehappenswecanhelp #statesenatorbrucetarr


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

National Grid Expecting Lower Heating Bills this Winter



Learn more at their upcoming Customer Savings Event on Tuesday, October 24th at the Rose Baker Senior Center, 6 Manuel F. Lewis Street, Gloucester.

National Grid recently announced the continuation of its successful Customer Savings Initiative into the 2023-2024 winter heating season. Launched in 2022, the Customer Savings Initiative connects customers with resources to reduce energy usage and save money, better manage bills, and secure available energy assistance.

Overall, monthly electric bills are expected to be 27 percent lower than a year ago, driven by winter electricity supply costs 46 percent lower than the 2022-23 winter heating season, due in large part to a more stable global energy market. Even with bills anticipated to be significantly lower this winter season than last, National Grid continues to encourage customers to take advantage of the programs that are part of the Customer Savings Initiative, including:

• Extensive residential and business energy efficiency programs and incentives

• Low-cost and no-cost bill management solutions

• Flexible payment programs

• Payment assistance programs for income-eligible customers

The Customer Savings Initiative is also supported by $1 million provided to community partners that helps customers address food and financial insecurity, including multiple food banks and pantries, as well as, our regional United Way partners and Good Neighbor Energy Fund.

For more information about these resources, please visit

See additional, helpful step-by-step details below on how to qualify for the National Grid Discount Rate.


Co-sponsoring 'An Act relative to breast cancer equity and early detection'


1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In 2023, an estimated 297,790 women and 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I am proud to co-sponsor Bill S.7111 'An Act relative to breast cancer equity and early detection' filed by State Senator Michael Rush of Boston.  Today, the bill had a public hearing before the Joint Committee on Financial Services, of which I am a member. 

Click here to read the bill in its entirety:

If you wish to submit written testimony to the Committee, you may email the chairs directly. Here is the link to contact the Joint Committee on Financial Services:

#breastcancerawarenessmonth #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #earlydetection  #statesenatorbrucetarr


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Information for U.S. Citizens Seeking Assistance in Israel


The U.S. Embassy in Israel has provided a security alert with the most up to date information for U.S.  Citizens seeking assistance in Israel.

Link to further information below:

#USEmbassy #statesenatorbrucetarr


The Senate's Resolution on Standing with the People of Israel


Today, the State Senate unanimously adopted the following resolution.



Speaking at the Buddy Walk and Family Festival


Thank you to the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC) for inviting me to share a few words at the annual Buddy Walk and Family Festival this past weekend in Wakefield.

The Buddy Walk celebrates National Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and promotes acceptance and inclusion of all individuals with Down syndrome.

Learn more at:

Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC)

#MDSC #wakefieldma #thebuddywalk #nationaldownsyndromeawarenessmonth



Thanks to the Rowley Fire Department!


Thank you to the Rowley Fire Department for hosting the “Sound the Alarm, Save a Life” event in partnership with the American Red Cross and National Grid US.

Did you know working smoke alarms can cut the risk of death from home fires in HALF?

We installed FREE smoke alarms in the Rowley community this past weekend.

Learn more at: or call 1-800-564-1234

American Red Cross

National Grid US

#americanredcross #rowleyma #NationalGrid #SOUNDTHEALARM #statesenatorbrucetarr


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

My Strong Support of and Recognition from New England Donor Services


It was an honor to be recognized by New England Donor Services for supporting and advocating for life-saving organ and tissue donation.

For many years, I have worked with Matt Boger, New England Donor Services and the MA Department of Health educating the public about organ donation and encouraging people to get the heart on their driver’s license, ID or REAL ID.

How? Register as a donor at the Mass RMV or on-line and learn important facts about organ donation at


Massachusetts Department of Public

Donate Life America

#organdonationawareness #donatelife #organdonorssavelives #organdonor #statesenatorbrucetarr


The Annual Working to Heal Breakfast

Thank you HAWC for hosting the annual Working to Heal Breakfast - bringing together HAWC’s loyal supporters, community leaders and North Shore businesses to reflect on the work HAWC does, create awareness and to raise vital funds for their life saving work.

Congratulations to those honored and awarded at this year’s program.

HAWC provides free services to abuse victims. To understand if what you’re experiencing is abuse, or to start making a safety plan, call our hotline at 1-800-547-1649.

MA State Rep. Tram T. Nguyen

Sentinel Group

#HAWC #domesticviolenceawareness #statesenatorbrucetarr