Monday, October 23, 2023

The Essex National Heritage Area's Fall Annual Meeting

Congratulations to all who organized and thank you to all who came out to the Essex National Heritage Area's Fall Annual Meeting at beautiful Meredith Farm in Topsfield!

Essex Heritage rallies our community around saving the unique character of Essex County.

#topsfieldma #essexcounty #essexnationalheritagearea #statesenatorbrucetarr


Celebrating Dick Wilson Day with Mayor Greg Verga


Thank you to Mayor Greg Verga, City of Gloucester, local city officials, and our Gloucester community for coming together to proclaim October 11th, 2023 as Dick Wilson Day.  It was an honor telling the story of Wilson to celebrate what would have been his 83rd birthday with family and friends at Newell Stadium.

This past August, I asked the Senate to adjourn its session in in Wilson’s memory, making Wilson’s story part of the permanent record of the Massachusetts State Senate.

#gloucesterma #dickwilsonday #statesenatorbrucetarr


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence on Purple Thursday

It’s #PurpleThursday - a national day of action to raise awareness about #domesticviolence.

Showing support today by wearing purple which symbolizes peace, courage, survival, honor, and dedication to ending domestic violence.

For information, services, and help for yourself or someone you care about: Safelink: 1-877-785-2020 is a 24-hour, free, and confidential multi-lingual domestic violence hotline in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance

#PurpleThursday #WearPurple #DVAM #domesticviolence #stoptheviolence #EndDomesticViolence #safelink #DomesticViolenceAwareness #statesenatorbrucetarr


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Open Door Autumn Breakfast

The Open Door
continues working to alleviate the impact of hunger in communities across Essex County while advocating on behalf of those in need. Food security remains a genuine concern as food prices are still at above historical-average rates.  In 2023, all food prices are expected to increase 5.8%. 

Last week’s Autumn Breakfast at the Beauport Hotel Gloucester helped jump-start the Holiday Basket and Thanksgiving Food Drive programs.  Thank you to everyone on the amazing The Open Door team, #statesenatorbrucetarr  whose key message was: Life Happens. We Can Help.

In 2022, The Open Door connected 8,486 people to 1.78 million pounds of food - that adds up to 1.48 million meals! To learn more about The Open Door Food Pantry or to donate, please click

Did you know? A donation of $35 covers the cost of a Holiday Basket, complete with a turkey and all the fixings, for a local family that needs a little extra help setting the table this holiday season.  Donate today:

#TheOpenDoor #foodsecurity #lifehappenswecanhelp #statesenatorbrucetarr


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

National Grid Expecting Lower Heating Bills this Winter



Learn more at their upcoming Customer Savings Event on Tuesday, October 24th at the Rose Baker Senior Center, 6 Manuel F. Lewis Street, Gloucester.

National Grid recently announced the continuation of its successful Customer Savings Initiative into the 2023-2024 winter heating season. Launched in 2022, the Customer Savings Initiative connects customers with resources to reduce energy usage and save money, better manage bills, and secure available energy assistance.

Overall, monthly electric bills are expected to be 27 percent lower than a year ago, driven by winter electricity supply costs 46 percent lower than the 2022-23 winter heating season, due in large part to a more stable global energy market. Even with bills anticipated to be significantly lower this winter season than last, National Grid continues to encourage customers to take advantage of the programs that are part of the Customer Savings Initiative, including:

• Extensive residential and business energy efficiency programs and incentives

• Low-cost and no-cost bill management solutions

• Flexible payment programs

• Payment assistance programs for income-eligible customers

The Customer Savings Initiative is also supported by $1 million provided to community partners that helps customers address food and financial insecurity, including multiple food banks and pantries, as well as, our regional United Way partners and Good Neighbor Energy Fund.

For more information about these resources, please visit

See additional, helpful step-by-step details below on how to qualify for the National Grid Discount Rate.


Co-sponsoring 'An Act relative to breast cancer equity and early detection'


1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. In 2023, an estimated 297,790 women and 2,800 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month, I am proud to co-sponsor Bill S.7111 'An Act relative to breast cancer equity and early detection' filed by State Senator Michael Rush of Boston.  Today, the bill had a public hearing before the Joint Committee on Financial Services, of which I am a member. 

Click here to read the bill in its entirety:

If you wish to submit written testimony to the Committee, you may email the chairs directly. Here is the link to contact the Joint Committee on Financial Services:

#breastcancerawarenessmonth #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #earlydetection  #statesenatorbrucetarr


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Information for U.S. Citizens Seeking Assistance in Israel


The U.S. Embassy in Israel has provided a security alert with the most up to date information for U.S.  Citizens seeking assistance in Israel.

Link to further information below:

#USEmbassy #statesenatorbrucetarr


The Senate's Resolution on Standing with the People of Israel


Today, the State Senate unanimously adopted the following resolution.



Speaking at the Buddy Walk and Family Festival


Thank you to the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC) for inviting me to share a few words at the annual Buddy Walk and Family Festival this past weekend in Wakefield.

The Buddy Walk celebrates National Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October and promotes acceptance and inclusion of all individuals with Down syndrome.

Learn more at:

Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC)

#MDSC #wakefieldma #thebuddywalk #nationaldownsyndromeawarenessmonth



Thanks to the Rowley Fire Department!


Thank you to the Rowley Fire Department for hosting the “Sound the Alarm, Save a Life” event in partnership with the American Red Cross and National Grid US.

Did you know working smoke alarms can cut the risk of death from home fires in HALF?

We installed FREE smoke alarms in the Rowley community this past weekend.

Learn more at: or call 1-800-564-1234

American Red Cross

National Grid US

#americanredcross #rowleyma #NationalGrid #SOUNDTHEALARM #statesenatorbrucetarr


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

My Strong Support of and Recognition from New England Donor Services


It was an honor to be recognized by New England Donor Services for supporting and advocating for life-saving organ and tissue donation.

For many years, I have worked with Matt Boger, New England Donor Services and the MA Department of Health educating the public about organ donation and encouraging people to get the heart on their driver’s license, ID or REAL ID.

How? Register as a donor at the Mass RMV or on-line and learn important facts about organ donation at


Massachusetts Department of Public

Donate Life America

#organdonationawareness #donatelife #organdonorssavelives #organdonor #statesenatorbrucetarr


The Annual Working to Heal Breakfast

Thank you HAWC for hosting the annual Working to Heal Breakfast - bringing together HAWC’s loyal supporters, community leaders and North Shore businesses to reflect on the work HAWC does, create awareness and to raise vital funds for their life saving work.

Congratulations to those honored and awarded at this year’s program.

HAWC provides free services to abuse victims. To understand if what you’re experiencing is abuse, or to start making a safety plan, call our hotline at 1-800-547-1649.

MA State Rep. Tram T. Nguyen

Sentinel Group

#HAWC #domesticviolenceawareness #statesenatorbrucetarr


Celebrating the Wing of Hope Groundbreaking

Congratulations to Cape Ann Animal Aid on the recent groundbreaking of their Wing of Hope.  Thank you for the countless hours invested in protecting and saving our furry friends.

Learn how you can adopt, donate, volunteer or visit here:

Event details:

#capeannanimalaid #wingofhope #gloucesterma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Honoring The Minister’s Woodlot in Rowley


On October 1st, I joined the Rowley community, local officials and members of the First Congregational Church, U.C.C in a dedication ceremony honoring The Minister’s Woodlot.

The Minister’s Woodlot is the oldest single owned parcel of land in the United States.

Learn more about this fascinating part of our district’s local history here: #rowleyma #historicland #ministerswoodlot #ipswichlocalnews #statesenatorbrucetarr


Celebrating the Newburyport Rotary Club's 100th Anniversary


Congratulations to Newburyport Rotary Club on celebrating your 100th Year Anniversary!

It was an honor presenting an official resolution in commemoration of this historic anniversary milestone.

#newburyportma #rotaryclub #newburyportrotaryclub #100years #anniversarycelebration #statesenatorbrucetarr


Gloucester Sawyer Free Library Groundbreaking Ceremony


Recently, I had the honor of participating at the historic Gloucester Sawyer Free Library Groundbreaking Ceremony.  This project creates a place for all of us to find the very best that lies within.

The Sawyer Free Library project connects us with so many things important in our lives – it establishes a legacy of giving and charity, it represents a long journey travelled, an effort to advance this building to be the very best library in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

But, most importantly it connects us to the unyielding potential of the power of information and knowledge; that is limited only by our imagination and our willingness to use it.

The Sawyer Free Library is our beacon of hope for our generation and future generations to come.

Thank you to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, Board of Trustees, Library Board of Directors, The Friends of the Sawyer Free Library, state and local officials, the incredible library staff, corporate sponsors and all of the individual donors for making this years long dream come to fruition.

October is National Book Month.  In honor of National Book Month, you can read a new book, re-read your favorite book, visit your local library or learn more on how you can become part of this legacy:

Sawyer Free Library

#sawyerfreelibrary #ourfuture #supportyourlocallibrary #nationalbookmonth #readbooks #groundbreakingceremony #gloucesterma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Celebrating Another Successful Topsfield Fair

Another successful Topsfield Fair in the books!

These past 11 days were filled with wonderful memories, including:

• Speaking at the Opening Ceremonies

• Attending the Annual Legislative Luncheon with local and state officials and Fair Executive Director Jim O’Brien

• Enjoying a ride on the Morrisville State College Equine Institute’s 6-Horse Hitch through the fairgrounds and in the arena

• Being a judge at this year’s annual Cock Crowing and Hen Flying Contest

My staff and I enjoyed touring the fair and admiring the truly incredible work of our local exhibitors and vendors. 

Thank you to all who make this fair so special – and a big thank you to the dedicated volunteers who invested countless hours to help bring joy and create memories for future generations to come.

Looking forward to next year’s fair!

#topsfieldfair #topsfieldma #statesenatorbrucetarr


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Remembering My Friend Larry Kirby

Recently, I had the opportunity to adjourn the senate in memory of my longtime friend, Larry Kirby, who passed away after 99 years of a life well-lived.

I had the honor of attending Larry’s celebration of life and was reminded of his incredible legacy.

Distinguished Veteran and author, Larry was a resident of Manchester-by-the-Sea.  He fought as a U.S. Marine in the Pacific - seeing extensive combat in the Pacific Theater, including Iwo Jima.  There were 230 Marines in his company when he went ashore.  After 36 days of battle, he was 1 of only 7 survivors in his company at the Battle of Iwo Jima.

For his actions on the battlefield in Guam, he was awarded a Silver Star and Purple Heart.

Learn more about Larry’s extraordinary life and legacy here:


Standing With the Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation in North Andover


Last night, I joined members of the Jewish community and local and state officials at a ceremony organized by the Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation in North Andover.

Together, we stand in solidarity with Israel.

State Senator Barry Finegold

MA State Rep. Tram T. Nguyen

#northandover #northandoverma #merrimackvalley #merrimackvalleyjewishfederation


Thursday, October 5, 2023

MRBA Meeting with US Army Corps of Engineers | Plum Island | 9.29.23

Productive MRBA meeting last week with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to discuss erosion issues on Plum Island.

Check out my interview with WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Kendall Buhl: 

Also, check out PITA President, Ron Barrett's interview with WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Nightside with Dan Rea from 10.3.23:


FY'24 Mass Cultural Council Grant Recipients

Mass Cultural Council announced the FY'24 recipients of the Festivals & Projects grant program.  In total, Mass Cultural Council granted $1,850,000 to 740 cultural projects and festivals statewide. The grants are $2,500 each and go to organizations to support their public activities that incorporate the arts, humanities, or sciences.

Please join me in congratulating the Festivals & Projects Recipients receiving grants in our District.

Mass Cultural Council announced the recipients of the Mass Cultural Council’s FY24 Cultural Investment Portfolio (CIP) and Gateway grant programs. In total, $6,988,800 has been granted to 338 cultural nonprofits this year through these two programs.

The CIP and Gateway provide general operating grants to nonprofit organizations that enrich Massachusetts’ cultural life. The Portfolio works to strengthen a creative and cultural sector that generates $1.2 billion in economic activity, creates thousands of jobs, and delivers programs to more than 20 million a year. 

Please join me in congratulating the CIP and Gateway Grant Recipients in our District.


Thanks to the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center for hosting the 32nd Annual Walk Against Domestic Violence

Thank you to the Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center for hosting the 32nd Annual Walk Against Domestic Violence on Sunday in Newburyport.  One of many important events this organization hosts to not only raise awareness for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October but throughout the entire year, as well.

Thank you to Mayor Sean Reardon for this inspiring video.

#JeanneGeigerCrisisCenter #newburyport#newburyportma #DVAM #domesticviolenceawareness #statesenatorbrucetarr


Gold Star Mothers and Family Day | Knight's of Columbus Rosary Prayer Service | 9.24.23

Sunday, September 24th was Gold Star Mothers and Family Day - a day of recognition of the sacrifices made by those who have paid the ultimate price and the burden the families are left behind to carry.  

I was honored to attend the Rosary Prayer Service led by the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, alongside the Gold Star Family Memorial Committee and Cape Ann Office of Veterans Services.


Tax Relief for Commonwealth of Massachusetts | 10.4.23


With the stroke of Governor Healey's pen, our state government took a major step toward becoming more affordable and competitive with the enactment of “An Act to Improve the Commonwealth’s Competitiveness, Affordability, and Equity” (H.4104).
Tax relief for employers and households has consistently been a major priority for Senate Republicans, and I am glad we have been able to find bipartisan common ground with our colleagues across the aisle to deliver nearly $1 billion in needed and deserved relief from the high costs of living in our state.
We also found a path forward to reward Massachusetts employers for investing in our economy, setting the stage for economic growth.
Today marks a major benchmark for making the Commonwealth more affordable, and I was glad to serve on the 6-member conference committee that produced the final bill that has become law. That law sets the stage for more efforts in the days to come, giving us a good foundation to build on for the future.