Today the Massachusetts State House welcomed Major General
Scott Rice of the Massachusetts National Guard and the Army and Air National
Guard Units who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Cannons positioned next to the Robert Gould
Shaw Memorial located at the top of the Boston Commons were fired to salute
these brave soldiers and to commence the start of the event, which took place
at the State House’s Memorial Hall.
During today’s ceremony, units from the Massachusetts
National Guard were awarded Battle Streamers by Governor Patrick honoring their
efforts supporting Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom.
On December 13, 1636 the Massachusetts National Guard, then
the Massachusetts Bay Colonial Militia, was established by legislative order. Since then, the Massachusetts National Guard
has created a rich and storied history serving the state and the Nation for over
375 years, including almost every American war from 1775 to the present.
Today’s event provided me with a wonderful opportunity to
thank those who continue to serve us overseas protecting the Commonwealth, the
nation, and democracy.
Posted below are several photos that were captured at the
event including one where Executive Officer of the 54th Massachusetts
Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Lt Col David Hencke, presented me with a commemorative
54th Regiment lapel pin.