Friday, January 31, 2025

YAAB Meeting with Tri-Town Council

Earlier this week I attended the Tri-Town Council's Coalition and Youth Action Advisory Board's (YAAB) Community Conversation Meeting. 

High School YAAB leaders shared the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results.

Together, we used the data to dig deep into conversation and around youth substance use and non-use, perceptions and norms, youth mental & physical health, well-being, and protective factors. 

It was a very productive meeting centered around the current actions we are taking and future actions we can take together to best support our youth's health and well-being.


Monday, January 27, 2025

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we solemnly reflect on one of the darkest chapters in human history. 

We honor the six million Jewish men, women, and children, along with millions of others, who were senselessly murdered during the Holocaust.

This day is not only a time to remember the victims but also to reaffirm our collective commitment to combat hatred, prejudice, and antisemitism in all its forms. It is a reminder that we must never forget and never allow such atrocities to happen again.

Let us honor their memory by fostering understanding, compassion, and justice in our communities. 

Together, we can build a future that rejects hatred and upholds the dignity and humanity of all.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Essex Fire Department Pinning Ceremony

Last night, I had the privilege of sharing remarks at the Essex, MA Fire Dept.’s Pinning Ceremony of Fire Chief Christian Hassel alongside Governor Maura Healey and Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante commemorating this special occasion in his honor. 

We were also able to present out-going former Fire Chief Ramie Reader with an official citation in recognition of and gratitude for his 3+ years of service at the Essex Fire Department as Chief. 

Thank you to all of our first responders who risk their lives every day in keeping our communities safe!


Monday, January 20, 2025

MLK Commemoration Breakfast in Newburyport

This morning, I had the honor of attending the 32nd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Breakfast at the Senior Center in Newburyport hosted by the YWCA Greater Newburyport.
With the theme, “Protecting Freedom, Justice & Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence,” the event was a powerful reminder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy and its relevance today.
Highlights included an inspiring keynote address by Katrina “Kat” Hobbs Everett, M.Ed., a moving poetry recital by Rhina P. Espaillat, and a musical performance by Jahmo Chavez, and were guided in reflection by Rabbi Alex Matthews and Reverend Rebecca Bryan.
Congratulations to Ghlee E. Woodworth on being named the Nancy E. Peace Action Against Prejudice Award which was established in 1998 by the YWCA Greater Newburyport to recognize individuals who, through their professional or volunteer lives have made valuable contributions towards eliminating racism, fighting prejudice and celebrating diversity.


Remembering Martin Luther King Jr

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we are reminded of Dr. King’s profound words: 
“We must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future.” - MLK, Jr.
As we reflect on his legacy, let us honor Dr. King’s unwavering commitment to equality and nonviolence. Through his courageous leadership in the face of adversity, he became a beacon of hope for millions, working tirelessly to advance the moral mission of our nation – that “all men are created equal.” Dr. King taught us the power of love, even toward those who sought to harm him, and his moral path led us to a more just and united country.
Dr. King’s teachings of brotherhood, tolerance, and justice continue to echo through time, shaping the values of future generations. Had he lived, he would have been 96 years old today, but his legacy lives on in every step we take toward a better, more inclusive society.
Let us pause and reflect on his life and vision, and renew our commitment to his mission of equality for all.


Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tarr In the News 1.6.25


Honoring Boots: Bill to name lifeguard station after local hero reaches Healey's desk

"It was passed sometime between 1:30-1:45am. We were trying to move a lot of important things, but we certainly made the Boots bill a priority because we all feel committed to honoring his legacy, and this was the vehicle that we had to do it." Tarr said.


Monday, January 6, 2025

Tarr In the News 1.6.25


Sea Scout Ship 5 hosts volunteer appreciation event at the Elks' by Ethan Forman, Gloucester Daily Times

"State Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, reinforced that sentiment, delivering citations to Steve Parkes, the man responsible for organizing and collecting the many permits required to install the popular oyster upweller on the renovated pier of Maritime Gloucester..."


Friday, January 3, 2025

Tarr In the News 12.30.24

TARR IN THE NEWS | 12.30.24

As Hanukkah came to an end yesterday at sundown, I'm reflecting on all the celebrations that took place throughout our community. 

I shared remarks at the Temple Ahavat Achim in Gloucester on Sunday evening for the 10th anniversary of the lighting of the Lobster Trap Menorah. 


Tarr In the News 1.3.25


Among those serving food at the Salisbury COA, Senator Tarr, R-Gloucester, was wished a happy birthday by many. "Tarr said he is always happy spending time in Salisbury, expressing how much he has come to love the town's people" - Matt Petry

"One of the things that has struck me at every turn is just how supportive this community is of its residents and how people work together and have community spirit and stand up for each other in good times and in bad."