Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Coronavirus Disease An Emerging And Rapidly Evolving Situation
The COVID-19 virus is very contagious and it has quickly spread to 108 countries including the United States. 95 cases have been confirmed in Massachusetts laboratories. Today, the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations concerned with public health, has declared it to be a global pandemic.
I will strive to convey accurate and meaningful information to you so that we can help one another to prevent the spread of this virus and protect those with it from further harm.
First and foremost, health experts and government officials’ understanding of this virus and its impacts may be changing regularly. This means that actions that we recommend to protect you may change too. Second, we do know, generally, who is at risk a greater risk from COVID-19 illness and there are specific actions those people should consider taking.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute for Health(NIH) people at higher risk include:
• Adults over 65 years old.
• Young children.
• Pregnant women.
• Those with serious chronic medical conditions like -heart disease, diabetes, cancer, lung disease or kidney conditions.
If you are at a higher risk of getting ill you should:
• Stock up on needed supplies such as medications, groceries and other needed items.
• Continue to keep space between yourself and others, limit close contact and wash your hands often.
• Watch for symptoms and emergency warning signs such as fever, coughing, shortness of breath, and confusion.
• If you get sick, stay home and call your doctor.
You have a genuine role to play in the wellness of our Commonwealth. Multiple entities including your municipal Board of Health, are coordinating with the state’s Department of Public Health which is in turn collaborating with the CDC and NIH. The WHO, many academic and research institutions, and governments around the world are working continuously to contain the spread of this virus and protect your health.
You can learn more at Information on the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease