Thursday, August 22, 2024

"Fore Your Health" Golf Fundraiser in memory of former Newburyport mayor

Gathered last week in memory of Byron J. Matthews, former mayor of the City of Newburyport, at the 33rd Annual “Fore Your Health” Golf Tournament held at the Golf Club of New England in Stratham, NH.

I was the auctioneer during the auction which raised funds to be used locally for the Anna Jaques Hospital. This event is sponsored by the aid association and was glad to be a part of it.

A great deal of his efforts were directed towards Anna Jaques Hospital where Byron J. Matthews served as a member of Seacoast Regional Health Systems, Chairman of the Anna Jaques Community Health Foundation, the Building Committee and directed the Annual Golf Tournament for over 30 years.

In 2022, Byron and his wife Helen Matthews were honored to have the Main Entrance of Anna Jaques Hospital dedicated in their names recognizing years of devoted service to the continued success and expansion of the hospital.

#newburyportma #foreyourhealth #golffundraiser #statesenatorbrucetarr