Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Greater Boston Food Bank Cold Storage Expansion project

 Thank you to The Greater Boston Food Bank for inviting our office on a recent ‘hard hat tour’ of their Cold Storage Expansion project—the largest investment in GBFB’s facility since it was built 15 years ago!

This initiative, funded by state grants secured in 2021, is part of a multi-pronged effort to provide more perishable items, including fresh fruits and vegetables, to the 1 in 3 people who continue to struggle with food insecurity in our region.

By enhancing their cold storage capacity, they will be better able to serve the 600 local food distribution partners in Eastern MA that rely on GBFB for the food they provide, including The Open Door.

Learn more about this important public investment and how the GBFB aims to capitalize on this much-needed enhancement to their warehouse to advance their mission to End Hunger Here and provide more healthy food to 600,000 people in our area each month:

• GBFB’s 2024 statewide study on Food Equity and Access, which reported 1 in 3 neighbors facing food insecurity at some point last year: https://www.gbfb.org/.../GBFB_Food-Access-Report_2024...

• The annual MEFAP report, highlighting the impact of the MA Emergency Food Assistance Program (MEFAP) on food-insecure individuals and the local economy. GBFB and sister food banks in MA are advocating for $42.5M in the FY24 state budget for MEFAP: https://www.gbfb.org/.../05/GBFB_MEFAPFY23_Final-Report.pdf

• Project COLD landing page with updates on construction: https://consigli.preview.ceros.com/.../page-663947e26ae4f

#GBFB #foodsecurity #1in3 #bostonma #projectcold #statesenatorbrucetarr