Monday, June 24, 2024
Newburyport Lions Club Award Ceremony
Recently, I joined the Newburyport Lions Club in honoring
several community volunteers and Lions for their exceptional service to the
community during their “The Melvin Jones
Award” ceremony and was also able to present them with a Senate citation in
recognition of this remarkable accomplishment.
Melvin Jones was the founder of the Lions Club. This Award
is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideals consistent
with the nature and purpose of the Lions.
Michael Jones, CEO and President of Institution for Savings,
accepted the award on their behalf for all they do in building stronger
communities together through service.
Sue Coppinger, a Lion and Newbury Pantry volunteer, received
this award for her tireless service to the Lions through the many events she
led this year.
Jane Merrow, one of the two founders and current leader, was
also recognized for the tremendous service the Newbury Food Pantry provides to
our communities.