Thursday, July 11, 2019
Manship Artists Residency + Studios Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
The primary impulse in the Arts is to give permanence to the fleeting moment, to bid it stay, because we cannot bear to lose it... - Artist Paul Manship
Manship was the creator of the Prometheus Fountain at Rockefeller Center in New York City. His estate in Gloucester has been transformed as an artists residency for the benefit of the community and visitors to Cape Ann. Last night local dignitaries, artists, and art supporters gathered on a beautiful evening for a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the first phase in renovations of the Manship house, now offering a home for visiting artists-in-residence. Manship Artists Residency + Studios (MARS) is a public charity dedicated to the preservation of the historic residence and the important environmental, cultural and historic assets at the site.
I am thankful for the efforts of MARS for creating moments of permanence for artists and those who appreciate their work.