Monday, October 24, 2022
Motor Vehicle Inspection Sticker Change to Take Effect on Tuesday, November 1
Check your date. Don’t be late!
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) is reminding vehicle owners to check the expiration date of their current inspection sticker and get their vehicles inspected on time yearly. Effective Tuesday, November 1, 2022, vehicles with an expired inspection sticker, will receive a sticker with the number of the month the vehicle inspection was originally due; not the number of the month the vehicle is now being inspected. Motor vehicles passing the required inspection on time, will continue to receive a new sticker with the number of the month the last sticker expired.
Vehicles with inspection stickers that expired in a previous calendar year will receive a January sticker of the current year the vehicle is being inspected, no matter the month the vehicle is inspected this year. This change does not impact the requirements for newly purchased vehicles. All newly purchased vehicles must be inspected within seven days of the vehicle registration date and will receive a sticker of the month in which it was inspected and is valid for one year.