Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Economic Development Committee listens to some important concerns in Gloucester
Today, thanks to House Chair Ann Margaret Ferrante, the Joint Committee on Economic Development and Emerging Technologies held a hearing at the Gloucester House on some important pieces of legislation.
I was pleased to join the committee for the hearing, and to testify on behalf of three bills:
S.225, which I filed to cause the creation of a statewide master plan to support the creative economy;
H.369, which was filed by Representative Ferrante to direct the creation of a comprehensive plan to support the commercial fishing industry; and
H.370, which was filed by Representative Ferrante to create a fund to provide resources for the rehabilitation of piers, wharves and other pieces of infrastructure in Designated Port Area such as the one in Gloucester Harbor.
Thanks to the committee members for coming to hear testimony on these bills, and to those who joined us to provide compelling and informative testimony in support of them.
Posted below are a few pictures from the hearing.