Thursday, April 1, 2021

Vehicle Inspection Stations Closed Today

RMV Says Vendor Has Not Provided a Timeline For Restoration 

Here is a press release from Applus, the vendor involved: 

Applus Technologies Identifies Malware Incident, Temporarily Disrupting Massachusetts Vehicle Inspections

BROOKFIELD, WISCONSIN (March 31, 2021) Applus Technologies, Inc. detected and stopped a malware attack which has temporarily interrupted the process of conducting vehicle inspections in Massachusetts and other locations. The restoration involves resetting Applus Technologies’ IT environment and will take some time to fully restore the functionality of vehicle inspections.

“Unfortunately, incidents such as this are fairly common and no one is immune,” said Darrin Greene, CEO of the US entity, Applus Technologies, Inc. “We apologize for any inconvenience this incident may cause. We know our customers and many vehicle owners rely on our technology and we are committed to restoring normal operations as quickly as possible.”

For information regarding this incident and updates on the operational status, please contact Applus Technologies at