Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Have you recently lost or are you worried about losing health insurance coverage?
The Health Connector could be an option for you.Open Enrollment ends today, January 23rd.
The Health Connector is the state’s health insurance Marketplace, providing individuals and small business with access to long-term or short-term affordable coverage.
Individuals who don’t have access to health insurance through a job or their family can get it through the Health Connector, and many people who apply qualify for help paying for their coverage through ConnectorCare. The Health Connector also makes dental insurance available to families in Massachusetts.
In less than one hour, you can apply for health coverage through our website at MAhealthconnector.orgIf you apply online, you will find out right away if you or anyone in your family qualifies for health coverage through our Health Connector programs or MassHealth. Here’s what you need to know about getting enrolled at this time:
If you qualify for MassHealth, your coverage may start right away.
If you qualify for ConnectorCare, your coverage can start as early as the next month after you apply
Find out if you qualify for help paying for your coverage:
What Do People Losing Coverage Need to Know?
Losing health insurance coverage from work allows a resident to enroll in Health Connector coverage
People have 60 days from losing their employer-sponsored coverage to sign up for a new plan, or they can sign up anytime during Open Enrollment
Individuals are encouraged to enroll in health insurance coverage as soon as possible to avoid having any gaps in coverage, enrollment through the Health Connector is always prospective
A newly-unemployed person cannot drop COBRA coverage to join the Health Connector. They must decide to enroll in a Health Connector plan first so it’s important to weigh options before enrolling in COBRA
The Health Connector offers a wide range of plans. Tools on the website help users compare and select a plan
The Health Connector is only way for residents to access subsidies to help pay for insurance
To apply for subsidized coverage, an applicant must include income information, including any unemployment pay they receive
Where can someone get help enrolling in health insurance coverage?
Application and enrollment assistance is available through the Health Connector’s Customer Service Centers and across Massachusetts through Assisters (Navigators and Certified Application Counselors (CACs)
The Health Connector also has a customer service line and walk in centers around the Commonwealth located in Boston, Worcester, Brockton and Springfield
For information on how to contact the Health Connector visit
These trained and certified individuals can help from application through enrollment into new health insurance plans and answer questions about eligibility, application, payments, plan details, and health care reform rules and requirements. To find an Assister visit
Keeping us informed of changes:
After you’ve enrolled in Health Connector or MassHealth coverage, it’s important for you to keep us updated on any life changes including changes to income, family size or new access to health insurance coverage. You can make these changes on your own from your online application or by calling Customer Service. For more information:
IMPORTANT: Health Connector coverage starts on the first day of the month. Our application and enrollment deadline is always the 23rd of the month before coverage starts. To enroll for a plan that starts February 1, you will need to apply, choose a plan, and make your first monthly payment by January 23.
If you are having trouble with enrolling please call us right away at 1-877-MA ENROLL (1-877-623-6765) or TTY: 1-877-623-7773.