Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A Visit to Wellfleet's Oyster Beds

Our state has a tremendous history. and well-earned reputation. for harvesting great seafood. From Cape Ann to Cape Cod the hard-working men and women who fish and farm the cold clean waters of the Bay State are important contributors to our economy.

Yesterday, I visited the Mayo Beach oyster beds in Wellfleet with Senator Julian Cyr and members of the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, Mac’s Seafood, the Woods Hole Sea Grant, Massachusetts Aquaculture Association, and the Massachusetts Shellfish Initiative. We are all committed to ensuring the long-term viability of the aquaculture industry in Massachusetts.

After a lunch meeting at Mac's Seafood (Mac's Shack) we timed our low tide visit to the flats just right. I appreciate the hard work of all involved in promoting the development of high quality shellfish and fish farming in Massachusetts. Consumers here and from thousands of miles away choose and get the best because of their efforts.