Thursday, September 6, 2018
Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute
The significance and need of advancing marine sciences is undeniably important – and not only to those who are directly involved in research. Since its earliest days, I have been a champion of attracting support and resources for the Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, Inc. (GMGI).
Yesterday, I had a tour of their newest facility to see how the construction is coming along. I was very happy to announce to them that I and Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante had secured $1,300,000 for a state bond authorization for new equipment and technological improvements for next generation sequencing and other high performance computing technologies in the state’s newest economic development law recently signed by Governor Charlie Baker.
GMGI is quickly moving towards being a leader in marine biotechnology by using the most innovative molecular genomic tools. Their new harbors-side facility at 417 Main will help with scientific discovery, workforce development and investment, and diversifying Cape Ann’s maritime economy.