Thursday, October 5, 2023

Tax Relief for Commonwealth of Massachusetts | 10.4.23


With the stroke of Governor Healey's pen, our state government took a major step toward becoming more affordable and competitive with the enactment of “An Act to Improve the Commonwealth’s Competitiveness, Affordability, and Equity” (H.4104).
Tax relief for employers and households has consistently been a major priority for Senate Republicans, and I am glad we have been able to find bipartisan common ground with our colleagues across the aisle to deliver nearly $1 billion in needed and deserved relief from the high costs of living in our state.
We also found a path forward to reward Massachusetts employers for investing in our economy, setting the stage for economic growth.
Today marks a major benchmark for making the Commonwealth more affordable, and I was glad to serve on the 6-member conference committee that produced the final bill that has become law. That law sets the stage for more efforts in the days to come, giving us a good foundation to build on for the future.