Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Celebrating Another Successful Topsfield Fair

Another successful Topsfield Fair in the books!

These past 11 days were filled with wonderful memories, including:

• Speaking at the Opening Ceremonies

• Attending the Annual Legislative Luncheon with local and state officials and Fair Executive Director Jim O’Brien

• Enjoying a ride on the Morrisville State College Equine Institute’s 6-Horse Hitch through the fairgrounds and in the arena

• Being a judge at this year’s annual Cock Crowing and Hen Flying Contest

My staff and I enjoyed touring the fair and admiring the truly incredible work of our local exhibitors and vendors. 

Thank you to all who make this fair so special – and a big thank you to the dedicated volunteers who invested countless hours to help bring joy and create memories for future generations to come.

Looking forward to next year’s fair!

#topsfieldfair #topsfieldma #statesenatorbrucetarr