Thursday, August 18, 2022
Pour for a Pint Blood Drive at Cape Ann Lanes Laneside Pub and Brewery Saturday the 20th from 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM.
You are invited to come to the Cape Ann Lanes 53 Gloucester Ave, Gloucester this Saturday to donate blood. Blood donors will be offered a pour of whatever the participating vendors serve such as beer, wine, or liquor. Each pint of blood contributes to the great need for blood for cancer patients and others in need.
For more information: You may sign up by emailing or by calling 617-632-3206. Cape Ann Lanes is a family-owned and operated small business with more than 6 decades of service.
This drive is done in coordination by the Scrawney-Morgan Foundation with support by Dana-Farber, Brigham & Women's, Kraft Family Blood Donor Center Blood Mobile. REGISTRATION RECOMMENDED, WALK-INS WELCOME!