Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Future of Wastewater Treatment Attracts State and Federal Funds
This discussion with Congressman Seth Moulton, Mayor Greg Verga, City of Gloucester's Representative Ferrante and others at the Mayor's office took place prior to the tour of the Gloucester Wastewater Treatment Plant on Essex Avenue.
Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, and I have successfully secured a funding earmark of $176,000 to pay for engineering and feasibility studies in an act Relative To Immediate Covid-19 Recovery Needs. In addition to that, I worked to secure not less than $400,000 for the planning, design, and construction of wastewater treatment facilities in the city of Gloucester and the towns of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Rockport, and Essex. in an Act Financing The General Governmental Infrastructure Of The Commonwealth. Exploring the feasibility of a regional treatment plant is important as the Federal government's waiver for Gloucester's treatment infrastructure matures.