Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Olin Chemical Superfund Site Virtual Informational Meeting

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will be holding a virtual public informational meeting to update residents on remedial activities at the Olin Chemical Superfund Site in Wilmington, MA. 

A representative from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health will also be available to answer questions about the Wilmington Childhood Cancer Study.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

The meeting is being hosted on the free-to-access platform Microsoft Teams. Using Microsoft Teams will allow attendees to view the presentation as it is being given. When you click the link below to join the meeting, you will have an option to either open or download the Microsoft Teams application, or to join directly through your internet browser.

Meeting URL to join the Olin virtual meeting-,%22Oid%22:%22bec6712d-4fb1-42d5-9768-08bc16298a17%22%7D

If you are unable to join via Microsoft Teams, you may join by phone by calling +1 857-299-6148, then entering code 843451080# Materials: (presentation links to be added) Closed Captioning will be provided

For more information:

Sarah White, Community Involvement Coordinator

Phone: 617-918-1026

Melanie Morash, Remedial Project Manager

Phone: 617-918-1292

Josh Fontaine, Remedial Project Manager

Phone: 617-918-1720