Thursday, February 25, 2021
District Communities Awarded Municipal Cybersecurity Awareness Grants
#Gloucester, #Manchester-by-the-Sea, #Middleton, #Newbury, #NorthAndover, #NorthReading, and #Wilmington will receive critical training to better detect and avoid cyber threats. The grant program funds were authorized by the Legislature in 2020 and are managed by the Baker Administration's Executive Office of Technology Services and Security.
These cybersecurity awareness grants will help municipalities and their employees protect their information technology and data from cyber threats. The online training materials provided to municipal and public school employees include a variety of cybersecurity attack simulations that reflect malicious luring techniques commonly used by cybercriminals to gain access to IT systems and data:
* Email phishing attacks
* ‘Smishing’ SMS attacks
* USB drop attacks
* Link-based, attachment-based, and data-entry attacks