Monday, December 23, 2019
State House Menorah Ceremony
The State House Menorah is glowing. This afternoon, I joined with many who gathered to share in the annual State House Menorah lighting ceremony that first began decades ago.
Governor Charlie Baker, Speaker Robert DeLeo, Senate President Karen Spilka, Secretary of State William Galvin, Attorney General Maura Healy, and other state officials were in attendance.
Hanukkah commemorates the liberation of a sacred temple in Jerusalem at a time, around 200 B.C., when practicing Judaism was made illegal. It is a time when Jews around the world pray for peace and understanding.
Rabbi Mayer Zarchi was a graceful and welcoming master of ceremonies. Rabbi Rachmiel Liberman of Congregation Lubavitch Synagogue, who passed away earlier this year, has hosted the event for more than three decades He was a friend to many and he will be missed.
With State Representative Tram T Nguyen, Professor Jack Porter.