Friday, December 6, 2019
Talking About Toys and Joys for Kids With Action Inc.'s Megan Merlin and Jen Orlando
The "Senator Bruce Tarr North Shore 104.9 Toy Drive' continues to partner with Cape Ann Savings Bank and Action Inc. to bring joy to families and children. Our drive is Thursday the 12th.
President Bob Gillis and the friendly staff of Cape Ann Savings Bank will host the grand finale next Thursday at 109 Main Street in #Gloucester. All donations will support Action Inc. and their Project Uplift.
Project Uplift is a pop-up holiday store located at 7 Pleasant St., Gloucester – the former Pleasant St. Tea Company space. You can help by donating toys, hosting a collection box, making a donation or volunteering.
Megan Merlin and Jen Orlando tell us more about it.