Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Senate President Rosenberg and Senate Minority Leader Tarr Announce Appointments to Senate Task Force on Strengthening Massachusetts Local Retail
BOSTON – Today Massachusetts
Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst) and Senate Minority Leader Bruce
Tarr (R-Gloucester) announced the appointments of Senators and retailers to the
Senate Task Force on Strengthening Massachusetts Local Retail. The task force
was established to work with the Senate to identify ways to help local
retailers become more competitive.
are very excited to bring these business leaders from the retail world in to
work with labor unions and Senators,” said Senate President Stan Rosenberg. “We
are committing to finding solutions to the struggles local retailers are facing
in this ever-changing economy.”
are critical to the success of our main streets and our economy, providing 1 in
5 jobs in our state,” said Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr. “This sector is
facing many challenges, and the situation demands the type of collaborative
approach the task force will bring to bear on those challenges.”
President Stan Rosenberg appointed Senator Michael Rodrigues, who will serve as
Chair, as well as Senators Mike Barrett, Julian Cyr, Jason Lewis, and Kathleen
O’Connor-Ives. Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr appointed Senators Vinny
DeMacedo and Don Humason.
retailers appointed by Senate President Rosenberg are Judy Herrell, owner of
Herrell’s Ice Cream in Northampton, Peter Kavanaugh of La-Z-Boy Furniture
Galleries in Dartmouth, Barry S. Rotman, Board Chair of Rotman’s Furniture in
Worcester, and Malcolm Sherman, a retail consultant with expertise in turning
around struggling businesses. The retailers appointed by Senate Minority Leader
Tarr are Christopher Carlozzi, State Director of the National Federation of
Independent Business, John Cahill of Landry & Arcani Rugs in Salem, and
Christopher Connolly, President of the Massachusetts State Automobile Dealers
remaining appointees are Jim Carvalho, Political Director of the United Food
and Commercial Workers Local 1445, Harris Gruman, Executive Director of the
SEIU Massachusetts State Council, and Jon Hurst, President of the Retailers
Association of Massachusetts.
Task Force will address a number of key factors, including challenges faced by
local retailers in competing against online sellers, closures of local
retailers and the impact that has on local economies and property tax bases,
initiatives by local retailers to increase their market share, and how state
and local governments can encourage purchases from local retailers.
member will also represent the Retailers Association of Massachusetts. Outside
experts with expertise in business and economics may also be consulted to
assist the Task Force in facilitating its work.
Task Force will report back to the Senate President and Senate Minority Leader
by June 1, 2018.
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