Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Firefighter Civil Service Exam Applications Available

Today is the deadline to apply for the 2016 Massachusetts Firefighter exam. The firefighter civil service exam is given every other year and determines the candidates who will be eligible for civil service positions in fire departments across the state. You must be at least 19 years old on or before March 21 to take the exam.

You may be eligible for preferred placement if you are an immediate family of a killed or disabled veteran; if you have Veteran or Disabled Veteran status, or if you are applying for a position in your hometown and have been a resident for at least a year before the date of the test - this will place you ahead of nonresidents for positions in your city or town.

The written exam will be given on April 16th in locations throughout the state. To find a location convenient for you please take a look at the exam schedule and locations list located at this link - http://www.mass.gov/…/exa…/2016-exam-schedule-announced.html

If you miss the midnight deadline tonight you may make an additional late fee of $50 and register before March 21st. Get the details you need to learn how to apply at this link: http://ow.ly/YO1AV
