Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Report by the Special Olympic Commission
Last week the Special Commission Relative to the Feasibility
of Hosting the Summer Olympics in the Commonwealth released their findings in a
report regarding a possible bid for the 2024 summer Olympics. The 11 member special commission, which was
established by the legislature and signed into law by the governor on October
31, 2013, worked diligently to review the different aspects surrounding the
issues for a potential bid. Those issues
Economic development and Infrastructure;
Tourism, Outreach, and Marketing the Legacy; and
Safety and Security.
This report is just the first step in the vetting process of
whether or not it would ultimately be feasible for Boston and the region to
host such an event. Posted below is the
special commission’s report.
To read a news story by Steve Annear of Boston Magazine regarding
a possible Boston Olympic bid, please click here.