Saturday, April 13, 2013
Roll Call Vote to S.1766: Amendment 50
Senator Keenan offered an amendment to S.1766, An Act Relative to Transportation Finance, which would require the MBTA to include in its 5 year Capital Investment Program repairs to existing infrastructure sufficient to maintain a State of Good Repair rating level.
Having a public transportation system in a State of Good Repair, or when the physical condition of transportation assets such as trains, buses, facilities, etc. are rated in a good condition by federal government standards, is imperative for the daily lives of those who depend on mass transit.
The Senate Republican Caucus believes that a State of Good Repair is so important that the caucus included such a measure in Amendment #41, an alternative plan to massive increases in taxes to finance our transportation system.
Fortunately, the membership voted with the minority party in supporting such a measure, and the amendment passed unanimously by a roll call vote of 33-0. Posted below is the result of the vote.