Friday, July 20, 2012
Votes to Note: Senate Passes Melissa’s Bill
Yesterday the Senate debated Melissa Bill’s, a habitual offender bill that aims to prohibit society’s most violent criminals from being released early from their sentences. The bill has several key provisions, and chief among them are:
• The prevention of parole eligibility for third time violent felons for certain crimes.
• The prevention of parole eligibility for felons serving multiple life sentences (two or more) based on separate incidents.
• Requiring the parole board to reach a 2/3 affirmative vote before a prisoner is granted parole while serving a single life sentence.
I am happy to report that the Senate enacted the bill by a 31-7 margin. Posted below is a key provisions summary of the bill and the actual roll call vote made by the members of the Senate. The bill now goes to the Governor and awaits his action. Please call his office at (617) 725-4005 to express your support of the bill.
Melissa's Bill Key Priorities and Crimes Summary
House #3818 An Act Relative to Sentencing and Improving Law Enforcement Tools
Yeas: 31 Nays: 7
Roll Call Votes: Yea/Nay
Frederick E. Berry: Yea
Stephen M. Brewer: Yea
William N. Brownsberger: Nay
Gale D. Candaras: Yea
Harriette L. Chandler: Yea
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Nay
Katherine Clark: Yea
Cynthia Stone Creem: Nay
Sal N. DiDomenico: Yea
Kenneth J. Donnelly: Yea
Eileen Donoghue: Yea
Benjamin B. Downing: Yea
James B. Eldridge: Nay
Susan C. Fargo: Nay
Barry Finegold: Yea
Jennifer L. Flanagan: Yea
John Hart: Did Not Vote
Robert L. Hedlund: Yea
Patricia D. Jehlen: Nay
Brian A. Joyce: Yea
John Keenan: Yea
Thomas P. Kennedy: Yea
Michael R. Knapik: Yea
Thomas M. McGee: Yea
Mark C. Montigny: Yea
Michael O. Moore: Yea
Richard T. Moore: Yea
Senate President Therese Murray: Yea
Marc R. Pacheco: Yea
Anthony Petruccelli: Yea
Michael Rodrigues: Yea
Stanley C. Rosenberg: Yea
Richard J. Ross: Yea
Michael Rush: Yea
Karen E. Spilka: Yea
Bruce E. Tarr: Yea
James E. Timilty: Yea
James Welch: Yea
Daniel Wolf: Nay