Thursday, March 25, 2010

Learning About The Helping Exchange

Recently I have had the opportunity to learn about a tremendous new concept known as “The Helping Exchange,” which is also referred to as ThEX. This web-based system was created to connect those with a particular financial need with those who might like to assist them with that need.

ThEX facilitates peer-to-peer giving and is remarkably efficient in that nearly 100% of a donated financial gift reaches the person who needs it. Administrative and operational expenses are minimal.

Through this electronic medium those who are seeking to assist others can learn about the particular needs of someone in their community or someone from anywhere in the country or the world.

You can learn more about ThEX by logging on to

I’m pictured below with the dedicated individuals from Manchester-by-the-Sea who developed ThEX and are working to enable it to reach its full potential.

From left to right: Susan Coffin, ThEX Volunteer; Senator Bruce Tarr; Matt Hoyle,ThEX Intern; and Bill Shipman, Founder of the Helping Exchange.