Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Votes to Note: Securing Funds for Cities and Towns

Yesterday the Senate debated and passed a supplemental budget intended to address the state’s ongoing fiscal crisis. An important amendment to this budget was offered by Senator Robert Hedlund (R-Weymouth) to assist cities and towns in recapturing excess profits yielded by affordable housing projects constructed under Chapter 40B of the Massachusetts General Laws. Chapter 40B limits the profit to the developer of such projects in exchange for reduced zoning and permitting requirements.

I was pleased to support this amendment, which would allow Inspector General Sullivan to establish a commission to recover these funds for cities and towns. Sullivan has done tremendous work in investigating this situation over the last few years, and the amendment would have given him the authority to take action based on his prior efforts.

Unfortunately the amendment failed by a vote of 10 to 25, but we will continue working to address this issue.

Please click “Read more” to view the vote on this issue.

Roll Call Votes: Yea Nay
Steven A. Baddour nay
Frederick E. Berry nay
Stephen M. Brewer nay
Scott P. Brown yea
Stephen J. Buoniconti nay
Gale D. Candaras nay
Harriette L. Chandler nay
Sonia Chang-Diaz nay
Cynthia Stone Creem nay
Kenneth J. Donnelly nay
Benjamin B. Downing nay
James B. Eldridge NO Vote
Susan C. Fargo NO VOTE
Jennifer L. Flanagan NO VOTE
Anthony D. Galluccio nay
Jack Hart nay
Robert L. Hedlund yea
Patricia D. Jehlen nay
Brian A. Joyce nay
Thomas P. Kennedy nay
Michael R. Knapik yea
Thomas M. McGee nay
Joan M. Menard nay
Mark C. Montigny yea
Michael O. Moore nay
Richard T. Moore yea
Michael W. Morrissey yea
Senate President Therese Murray NO VOTE
Robert A. O'Leary yea
Marc R. Pacheco nay
Steven C. Panagiotakos nay
Anthony Petruccelli nay
Stanley C. Rosenberg
Karen E. Spilka nay
Bruce E. Tarr yea
James E. Timilty yea
Richard R. Tisei yea
Steven A. Tolman nay
Susan C. Tucker nay
Marian Walsh nay