Friday, May 13, 2022

Postpartum Depression Awareness Day and Virtual Hearing

1 in 7 pregnant and new mothers and 1 in 10 new fathers may experience depression or anxiety. That's why I sponsored legislation that created a special legislative commission to address postpartum depression (PPD) in the state. As a member of this Commission, 

I want you to know about an upcoming date for a virtual hearing day on Tuesday, May 17 at 10:00 AM. The Commission, chaired by Senator Joan B. Lovely and Representative James J. O’Day, looks at policy initiatives to address perinatal mental health and promote mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Our Commissioners include women who have lived with PPD, physicians, nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, and more. The Commission seeks to improve resources for perinatal mood disorders available to women and their families. 

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