Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Toy Drive Update: Teresa's Italian Eatery in Middleton
Nick Yebba, owner of Teresa's was a great host for the Toy Drive- he's welcomed us before too. We all say "Thank You Nick" for not only his hospitality but also for the financial donation to this charitable endeavor.
We talked with my good friend House Minority Leader State Representative Brad Jones, Andrew Sheehan, the Town Administrator, Fire Chief Tom Martinuk, Flint Public Library Director Melissa Gaspar, Judy Gallerie with Neighbors In Need our non-profit organization for #Middleton, Boy Scout Lorenzo Butler of Middleton Pack 19 with Master Tristan “TJ” Butler and Ted Butler.
A big thank you to Bill Sacchetti of Cash For Gold in Middleton for gifts of toys and cash donations. Fuller Meadow Elementary School 2nd Graders contributed mellifluous songs to bring us all cheer.