Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Boxford Groundbreaking And Cookout For The Senior - Community Center
Putting shovels in the dirt to break ground for new project is the easy part, lots of people have worked hard to get us to this point in the development of Boxford's Senior/Community Center. Congratulations for all of the hard work and dedication of town officials and residents to bring us to this great gathering and day.
The House and Senate budget, recently signed by Governor Charlie Baker, included two line-item earmarks totaling $115,000 to support the project. The construction includes historic rehabilitation of existing Cummings House; demolishing and removing existing structures to east of Cummings House (the ell, the stairs, the former library structure, the barn) and replacing with new single story addition for new community/senior center.
Site-work includes new septic system, new storm-water management system, paved driveways, parking areas and walkways, exterior emergency generator, electrical transformer, exterior pole lighting and fencing.
With State Rep. Lenny Mirra, MA State Rep. Tram T. Nguyen and Town of Boxford