Tuesday, January 5, 2021
The Senate debated an act Creating a Next-Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy last night. The legislation responds to the tragic 2018 Merrimack Valley explosions by improving gas pipeline safety. Members of the Merrimack Valley legislative delegation called for oversight hearings of Columbia Gas immediately following the incident. The bill also includes legislation I have sponsored to make Massachusetts the first state to approve legislation recognizing the role nature can play in drawing carbon pollution from the atmosphere through my Natural and Working Lands legislation
In addition, the bill now on Governor Bakers' desk sets a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions limit for the year 2050, increases support for clean energy workforce development programs including those targeting low-income communities, requires emission reduction goals for the state’s energy efficiency program MassSave, increases the requirements for offshore wind energy procurement bringing the statewide total to 5,600 megawatts, and much more.