Friday, December 11, 2020
Latest Public HealthData: 264,454 Cases, 10,963 Deaths, 9,278,419 tests
Initial COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution: The vaccine is being provided free of charge to all individuals
The Baker-Polito Administration announced allocation and distribution plans for the first round of COVID19 vaccine shipments to Massachusetts set to begin around December 15. The state’s first shipment of 59,475 doses of the Pfizer vaccine was ordered will be delivered directly to 21 hospitals across8 counties, as well as to the Department of Public Health Immunization lab. Doses will be redistributed for access to 74 hospitals across all 14 counties for front-line medical workers. The next 40,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine will be allocated to the Federal Pharmacy Program to begin vaccinating staff and residents of skilled nursing facilities, resthomes and assisted living residences. Vaccine is being prioritized for these groups to maximize life preservation and to support the health care system.
Based on information at this time, Massachusetts is expecting 300,000first doses of the vaccine to be delivered by the end of December. The first vaccines, manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer, will require two doses administered 3-4 weeks apart
Visit the link to read the administration’s vaccine website: vaccine
Statewide Rollback to Phase Three, Step One with Additional Restrictions: Effective Sunday, December 13th, all communities in Massachusetts will return to Step 1 of Phase 3, of the state’s reopening plan.
The return to Step 1 will also require the closure of certain businesses designated as Step 2 industries. These include indoor performance venues and certain high-contact indoor recreational businesses. In addition, capacity limits will be reduced to 40% statewide for most industries, and the limit on outdoor gatherings will be reduced statewide from 100 persons to 50 persons. Additional safety measures will be applied to restaurant dining as well. The Administration also announced additional guidance for certain sectors including restaurants, office spaces, and gyms, to address activities where mask wearing is not possible at all times.
Phase III, Step I: Effective December 13, all communities will roll back to Phase 3, Step 1 of Massachusetts’ re-opening plan, including the following restrictions:
• Outdoor gatherings at event venues will be limited to no more than 50 people
• Hosts of outdoor gatherings of greater than 25 people will be required to provide advance notice of the gathering their local board of health
• Indoor theaters and performance venues and higher contact indoor recreation businesses will be required to close to the public
• Outdoor theaters and performance venues will be limited to 25% capacity, and no more than 50 people in all communities, capacity will be reduced from 50% to 40% for the following sectors:
• Arcades/Indoor and Outdoor Recreational Businesses
• Driving and Flight Schools
• Gyms/Health Clubs
• Libraries
• Museums
• Retail Offices
• Places of Worship
• Lodging (common areas)
• Golf facilities
• Movie Theaters (Maximum 50 people per theater)