Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Massachusetts RMV-Approved Defensive Driving Courses
Due to coronavirus concerns, to ensure the health and wellbeing of our instructors and students, the National Safety Council and the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (MA RMV) have canceled all MA classroom driver safety classes through May 4. This includes the 8-hour Driver Retraining Program, 4-hour Driver Attitudinal Retraining Program and the 4-hour State Courts Against Road Rage (SCARR) Program.
The MA RMV has temporarily approved an alternative way to deliver the statutorily required content in the form of a 4-hour online class. For a limited time, participation in the online course will fulfill your in-person class requirement. The process is easy and convenient, and the online course can be completed right from your own home.
Find detailed information and sign-up