Friday, October 25, 2019
Senate Adds Funds in New Senate Supplemental Budget Bill Following Town-Wide Vote
Boston- Residents of Rockport, having voted to approve the construction of a new Department of Public Works building, would receive financial support in the form of the State Senate’s new supplemental budget bill under a provision championed by Rockport’s Senator Bruce Tarr (R- Gloucester). Tarr received the support of his colleagues in the Senate to allocate $20,000 to Rockport for planning, design, and construction purposes.
The new facility will be built following several years of discussions and the support of voters in a special town election held earlier this month. Tarr says that he is working to help the town so that the facility can be an effective asset for the DPW Department, its staff and residents.
The Senator’s amendment to Senate Bill 2378, the so-called Closeout Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 was adopted with full support of the Senate. Tarr said he wanted to provide backing to Rockport, Massachusettst and help with efforts to improve conditions for the Department of Public Works employees.
“I want to help support the work that has taken place for the building project by also securing an opportunity for state funds,” said Senator Tarr. “I appreciate the dedication of Rockport’s officials to move this project to where we are today and I thank my colleagues in the Senate for adopting my amendment to allocate at least $20,000 for planning, design, and construction of the building.”
“Town administrator Vieira, the Selectmen, the Rockport Building Study Committee and others have shaped this project to the point where it has been endorsed by the voters into something that will serve the entire town well for years to come,” added Tarr.
The Senate’s version of the supplemental budget bill must now be reconciled with that of the House’s. Once a final agreement on the budget bill is reached between the two branches Governor Charlie Baker will have a ten day period to sign the bill. Tarr said Rockport’s Representative in the House, Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, will play an important role in that process.
“I am happy to work with my colleague Senator Bruce Tarr to provide this invaluable funding to the town of Rockport for the design of their new DPW facility,” said Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante (D- Gloucester). “This is an important step forward for the town to more efficiently and effectively deliver service to its residents.”
“We will continue to work as a team to keep funding for the DPW building in the final version of the budget that goes to the desk of Governor Charlie Baker,” Tarr said.