Friday, March 22, 2019
Tobin Bridge Project Information Meetings
Beginning in 2019, MassDOT will restart its rehabilitation of the Tobin Bridge and begin rehabilitation of the Chelsea Viaduct which together carry Route 1 through Chelsea, over the Mystic River, and into Boston. MassDOT is undertaking outreach.
MassDOT is undertaking an intense program of public outreach to ensure that residents, abutters, major businesses, and commuters have an opportunity to become fully acquainted with the work and anticipated impacts.
MassDOT is hosting public information meetings, one of which will be held in NEWBURYPORT on 3/25. Meetings are be held as follows – all begin at 6 p.m.:
• 3/26 – Andover Public Safety Building, 32 North Main St.
• 3/27 - Chelsea City Council Chamber – 500 Broadway