Friday, November 10, 2017
Veterans Day 2017
Veterans Day is Saturday, November 11th. Please join me in remembering our military veterans. There are events and ceremonies planned in communities throughout the Commonwealth and the country - your attendance will be welcomed.
The unyielding and unchanging core principals of our nation; freedom, liberty, and justice expressed in our founding documents would be unobtainable without the actions of our veterans.
We are blessed to have had men and women wear the uniforms of our military organizations to take actions to defend, preserve, and promote those values and principles here and around the world. The family members of our veterans, and of those who wear the uniform as active members today, also deserve our deep appreciation.
Patriotism is alive, the vitality of those who served our nation from the War of Independence to this day continues to beat in our hears, and all U.S. veterans, and those who are currently serving, should know that they are appreciated by the citizens of this great nation. Again, I welcome and invite you to attend one of the many ceremonies that will take place tomorrow - express the gratitude we all share for these great veterans.