Thursday, July 20, 2017

Medical Emergency Amnesty For Underage Drinkers

I spoke with NBC Boston reporter Karen Hensel about legislation that I filed to create a medical lifeline for those under the age of 21 who have consumed alcohol or they are with an underage drinker in a medical emergency. Seeking help fast is far more important than trying to evade potential punishment. The bill had a State House public hearing Tuesday and I look forward to an opportunity to move it to the Senate floor for action.

The bill creates a mechanism, for those acting in good faith, to be shielded from prosecution from our underage alcohol laws if they 1)contact authorities providing their full name and other relevant information at the request of law enforcement officers, 2) remain on the scene until emergency assistance arrives, and 3) cooperate with all authorities on the scene. Senate Bill 967, provide a lifeline medical amnesty for persons under age 21, you can track it's progress here- Senate Bill 967

Here is her report-""