Monday, December 30, 2013
MEDIA ALERT: On the Air with Fox 25
I will be appearing live on Fox 25 this afternoon to discuss the disappearance of 5-year-old Fitchburg resident Jeremiah Oliver, whose family has been receiving services through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) since 2011 but who has been missing since September 14th.
During the segment, I will be providing my reaction to today’s press conference by DCF Commissioner Olga Roche and Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary of Children, Youth and Families Kathy Betts announcing “action steps” the agency is taking to “help strengthen families and ensure a safe and secure environment for children.” Earlier this month, I joined with my colleagues in the Senate Republican Caucus in calling for an independent investigation by Auditor Suzanne Bump and/or Inspector General Glenn Cunha into DCF’s failures regarding Oliver’s disappearance.
The segment will air live on Fox 25 today at approximately 4:57 p.m.