Thursday, July 21, 2011

Supporting Ham Radio Operators

On Sunday, July 17th I had the opportunity to meet with ham radio operators from throughout northeastern Massachusetts and beyond at a breakfast with the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association (CAARA). A particularly important guest at the event was Phil Temples, Section Member from the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national organization for amateur radio operators.

During the morning's proceedings I presented the members of CAARA (including club President Stan Stone) and Phil with a recently adopted Joint Resolution from the House and Senate, and a Proclamation from Governor Deval Patrick. Each document recognized the importance of the skills, equipment and spirit that amateur radio operators bring to emergencies and community events.

You can learn more about amateur radio by visiting CAARA at and the ARRL at

Photos from the event are posted below and under the "Read more" section, and are courtesy of CAARA member Anthony Marks.