Thursday, May 27, 2010
Illegal Immigration Amendment Passes
Last night, during Senate budget debate on an amendment I had offered with several colleagues to address prohibiting various benefits for illegal immigrants, I called for a comprehensive approach to this issue. The Senate responded in a bipartisan effort that included Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei, Senate Ways and Means Chairman Steven Panagiotakos, Senator Steven Baddour, Senate President Therese Murray, and me.
Together, we worked into the early hours of this morning to draft legislation that addresses many facets of this issue, but with a single purpose: maintaining the integrity of our legal system and respecting those who reside in our country legally.
This afternoon, the Senate approved this amendment, largely based on the language of amendments I have offered during past budget debates, by a vote of 28-10.
You can also view coverage of the amendment by New England Cable News by clicking here.
Since the bill does encompass many provisions, you can view a summary of those provisions by clicking "Read more" below.
Immigration Amendment Summary