Monday, May 24, 2010
722 Budget Amendments Now Pending
Senators spent considerable time last week analyzing the budget proposal released by the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and drafting amendments to modify that proposal. The filing deadline for those amendments was 12:00 noon last Friday. By the deadline 722 amendments were filed. While many of them seek to add spending to a budget that is already tenuously balanced, others offer the hope of substantial reform and the opportunity to capture efficiencies and savings in a time when doing so is at a premium.
You can view all of the amendments at or by clicking here. Debate on the budget in the Senate Chamber begins on Wednesday, and can be viewed in person in the public gallery of the chamber, via the web at, or by clicking here.
This is a significant debate for the future of our Commonwealth, and I encourage you to follow it and make your views known to us.