Thursday, September 24, 2009
A. Piatt Andrew Bridge Update
With the summer construction season winding down, progress continues at the A. Piatt Andrew Bridge and a fall construction schedule will be implemented. To read MassHighway's progress update please "Read more" at the bottom of this post.
Thank you for your continuing interest in this project, and please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of any further assistance.
Senator Bruce Tarr and Representative Ann-Margaret Ferrante
Photo showing new sidewalk section along with new Minnesota bridge rail (on left).
Photo showing epoxy coated rehabbed supporting cross beam at Pier #3.
Release Date – September 8, 2009
Municipality Gloucester
Project Bridge Preservation: Route 128 over the Annisquam River
Status 60% complete
Cost $25,500,000
Description The work involves the removal and replacement of the wearing surface of the bridge deck along with rehabilitation of the superstructure and portions of the substructure on Bridge No. G-05-017 carrying Route 128 over the Annisquam River in Gloucester. The project will also include replacement of the sidewalks along with significant structural repairs and painting portions of the superstructure. A new wearing surface will be placed on the bridge along with a new median barrier. The existing bridge railing will be refurbished and a suicide deterrent safety screen will be erected along the sidewalk. SPS New England, Inc. is completing the work.
Current Project Status – The project is currently changing back to Stage II of the traffic management plan which has temporary concrete barrier installed along the right hand side of the northbound and southbound high speed lanes reducing traffic to one lane (inside lane) in each direction. This traffic setup will be in place during the fall months and will allow the Contractor to finish the new sidewalks, bridge rails and fence as well as place the new concrete deck in the right travel lanes. The Contractor has completed most of the masonry repairs/rehabilitation below the bridge. Structural steel repair is ongoing. The Contractor has also started cleaning the structural steel below the deck in preparation for new paint. The Contractor has been working various Saturdays and Sundays as well as extended hours during the week to remain within the approved schedule of operations.
Note: Additional project information and history can be found by visiting MassHighway’s website at: and clicking on the Project Info tab and selecting Projects under Design and Construction for the City of Gloucester, Project No. 604797.