Thursday, December 8, 2022

Heating season has arrived and with it the need to spread the word about an important issue – home heating assistance for low-income families. Throughout my work as a legislator, I have advocated for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program – known as LIHEAP, because in New England heating is a basic human need. 

Homeowners and renters, including households whose cost of heat is included in the rent, can apply for help. Eligibility is based on household size and the gross annual income of every household member, 18 years of age or older. Household income cannot exceed 60% of the estimated State Median Income. 

Home energy assistance for renters and homeowners programs receive funding through the state budget and is managed by the Department of Housing and Community Development and provided through local agencies throughout Massachusetts by MASSCAP. An online application is now available and I invite you to apply. Find your area agency here: Cape Ann's LIHEAP agency is Action Inc.