Monday, November 2, 2020
Tobin Bridge/Chelsea Curves Rehabilitation Project Updates from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.
Construction Look-Ahead: November 1 – November 14, 2020
This is a brief overview of construction operations and traffic impacts for the Tobin Bridge/Chelsea Curves Rehabilitation Project. MassDOT will provide additional notices as needed for high-impact work, temporary ramp and street closures, and changes to traffic configurations beyond those described below.
ROUTE 1 TRAFFIC IMPACTS ROUTE 1 NORTHBOUND: Approaching the Tobin Bridge from Boston, the work zone begins in the right lane. 2 of 3 travel lanes will be open during daytime hours (5 a.m.–10 p.m.) After the 4th Street off ramp, the Northbound lanes are split with a work zone in the middle. Traffic can travel in either side of the work zone. ROUTE 1 SOUTHBOUND: Approaching the Chelsea Curves from the North Shore, the work zone begins in the right lane at the Carter Street off-ramp and continues through to the Tobin. 2 of 3 travel lanes will be open during daytime hours (5 a.m.–10 p.m.) On Friday 10/30 through Sunday 11/1, Route 1 Southbound will be reduced to a single lane starting on Friday at 3 p.m. through Sunday at 8 p.m.
GRANT BENNETT PARKING LOT CLOSURE On Saturday, 11/7 through Sunday, 11/8, the Grant Bennett Memorial Parking Lot will be closed to allow work on the Tobin Bridge/Chelsea Curves rehabilitation to continue. Those looking for parking can use the La Escuela Williams (John A. Browne Middle School) parking lot during the days and time listed above.
LOCAL STREET CLOSURES There will be no local street closures on Tuesday (11/3) Election Day
FIFTH STREET will experience a temporary overnight closure on Monday 11/2 (9 p.m. – 5 a.m.). Fifth Street will also experience day closures on Wednesday, 11/4 (7 p.m. = 7 a.m.), and then on Thursday, 11/5 and Friday 11/6 (7 a.m. – 3 p.m.).
ARLINGTON STREET will be temporarily closed on Saturday, 10/31, Sunday, 11/1, Monday 11/2, Wednesday 11/4, and Friday 11/6 during the day (7 a.m. – 7 p.m.). Arlington Street will also experience a temporary day closure on Thursday 11/5 (7 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.). There will also be an overnight closure for Arlington Street on Thursday 11/05 (9 p.m. – 5 a.m.)