Tuesday, July 28, 2020
State Budget Developments
The chairs of the House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means have released the following joint statement regarding developments towards advancing an interim state budget:-
“Today, the Senate and House Committees on Ways and Means have agreed to a three-month interim budget that will provide near-term fiscal stability for our Commonwealth.
We are committed to finalizing a full-year budget that is fiscally responsible and responsive to the needs of our state, but key to developing that budget is further clarity around potential federal action, our economic recovery and continued trajectory of COVID-19.
Monitoring these outstanding issues, as well as the full scope of our revenue shortfall and resources, is our top priority and once better information is available, we will take action on a final FY2021 framework.
In the meantime, we believe this approach is the most prudent and responsible path forward.”
-Representative Aaron Michlewitz, Chair, House Committee on Ways and Means
Senator Michael J. Rodrigues Chair, Senate Committee on Ways and Means