Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Finish Line Grant Ready for the Starting Gate
I have been an advocate for a program to provide one full year of tuition and fees for students enrolled in a program leading to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree at a Massachusetts public college or university. This idea is called the Finish Line Grant.
Today, the Senate adopted legislation that I authored which directs the Commissioner of Higher Education to investigate the feasibility of developing a Finish Line Scholarship Program to provide scholarships to cover the entire cost of tuition and fees for one year, other than the first, to full-time residents in need of financial assistance whose family income is less than the 125% of the median family income.
My support for a Finish Line Grant continues to grow and I am happy that there are now more than 100 lawmakers signed on as co-sponsors of legislation to make it happen. In addition, there is a strong grassroots group of students, families, faculty, business leaders, unions, and community leaders helping to advocate.
I look forward to working with them, and others, and encourage supporters to come to the State House Advocacy Day on Monday, March 5th.